What Is a 10-Panel Drug Test: Insights and Overview

PUBLISHED: Wednesday, April 3, 2024

As various drugs and substances become more widely accepted and used recreationally, many companies and organizations take steps to stay informed on drug use with their hired personnel. 

Drug testing is one of the most efficient ways to do this, and there are a few types of panel drug testing that can detect drugs and various toxins in the human body. 

One of these is the 10-panel drug test, which is typically used in workplace settings. This test screens for the most frequently misused prescription drugs and five frequently used illegal drugs, including THC, cocaine, and others. 

If you’re applying for a job in an industry like public health or safety, passing a 10-panel drug test may be one of the requirements for employment. One of the most important components to passing any kind of drug test is to be informed about the test you’ll be taking. 

This post details the 10-panel drug test, how it’s administered, the drugs it will test for, detection times, and everything you need to know when going into the test. 

How is a 10-Panel Drug Test Administered?

10-panel tests are typically performed as urine drug tests, so you will be required to submit a urine sample to complete this test. 

In most scenarios, the urine test is not supervised, and the individual is asked to use the bathroom to collect the urine sample in a cup. For probation or legal scenarios, the test may be supervised to avoid tampering with the urine sample. 

If the company is using a drug testing kit, the results will take a few minutes. If the urine sample is being sent to an off-site facility, lab test results may take a few days to receive. 

Purpose of a 10-Panel Drug Test

Curious why the 10-panel drug test exists? Here are some of the main reasons companies and organizations utilize this urine drug test.

Man wearing goggles and a mask looks through a microscope.


Whether it’s a random drug screening or part of the pre-employment screening process, many employers require their staff to pass urine drug tests. Some want to know if their employees are using prescription drugs, particularly in industries involving public health and safety, while others will not hire individuals who have illegal drugs of any kind in their system. 

Good to Know: Most employers and organizations use a standard 5-panel drug test that also tests for alcohol and nicotine. This is the most common drug test used in employment settings.


In both workplace settings and law enforcement situations, urine tests are often required by all individuals involved. Urine testing can sometimes answer questions related to each person’s behavior or actions leading up to the accident. 

Return to Work

If an employee is returning to work after an extended leave, a drug test may be required to continue employment. This is often the case for employees who leave their jobs to seek treatment for substance abuse and are required to pass a drug test to return to work. 

Drugs & Substances Detected by the 10-Panel Drug Test

As its name states, the 10-panel drug test can detect 10 commonly used substances that employers want to test potential and current employees for. This table displays the drugs and varying substances detectable by the 10-panel drug test.

Drug Type

Substances/ Residues/ Compounds 


  • Cannabinoids
  • Hash 
  • Marijuana


  • Freebase
  • Crack cocaine 


  • Heroin
  • Morphine
  • Codeine
  • Oxycodone


  • Valium
  • Xanax
  • Ativan


  • Meth
  • Speed
  • Ritalin
  • Adderall (used for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) 


  • Amobarbital
  • Phenobarbital
  • Phenobarbital




PCP, Methadone, Propoxyphene

As technology advances, many labs offer customization options where employers can test for other substances, including nicotine and alcohol. 

Detection Times for a 10-Panel Drug Test

When attempting to pass a drug screen, there are a few things to know that can help ease your mind and ensure you get the results you need. One of these is the specific detection times for each substance. Let’s dive into those here.

Drug or Substance

Time Detectable in Urine

Marijuana/ THC

  • 3 days for single use
  • Up to 30 days for heavy use


2 to 4 days


48 hours to 3 days


Up to 8 days


48 hours


  • 1 day for short-acting
  • 3 weeks for long-acting


  • 3 days for short-acting
  • 1 month for long-acting

Factors to Consider in Detection Times

As mentioned, there are a few factors that can affect the detection times from a 10-panel drug test. These include the following:

Type of Drug

Certain drugs remain present in the urine for longer periods. For example, THC is usually detectable for up to 7 days, while cocaine and meth are present for up to 3 days. It’s helpful to know the detection times of your drug of choice so you can determine when you need to stop use if you have a scheduled drug test. 

Frequency of Use 

How often you use the drug will impact detection times in your urine (or any other drug test). For example, heavy drug users will have more of the substance in their system at any time because they’re using the drug regularly. One-time or infrequent users will have less in their system, and it’s more likely to be flushed out quicker.

Body Type 

Research shows that body mass and metabolism can affect how long a drug stays in the system. Those with more body fat may hold onto substances like THC longer since it binds to fat molecules and lingers in the system. 

Additionally, if an individual has a faster metabolism, they may be able to flush the drugs from their system faster. With a slower metabolism, certain substances may be present longer.

10-Panel Drug Test Results

If the test is sent to a lab, results are usually available in a few days. The possible test results include positive for drugs, negative, or inconclusive. Positive results indicate a detectable amount of a substance in the person’s urine, likely ingested recently. 

Negative results mean none of the tested drugs are present in the person’s urine. Inconclusive results mean the test was not completed successfully, and you may have to retest if this happens. 

Fun Fact: Between 5 and 10 percent of drug tests come back inconclusive.

Preparing For a Ten Panel Drug Test

When it comes to drug testing, knowledge and preparation are powerful tools to have on your side. 

Whether you’re undergoing workplace drug testing or being tested for any other reason, here’s how to prepare for an upcoming 10-panel drug test. Traditionally, employers will give their staff a 24-hour notice, while others will perform the test on the spot. 

Testclear’s 10-Panel Multi-Drug Home Dip Test

Before you take your 10-panel drug test, you can test at home to see your results. Testclear’s 10-panel home dip test is a simple and reliable way to determine the toxin levels in your urine. 

This test detects a variety of substances including cocaine, amphetamine, methamphetamine, marijuana, opiates, methadone, PCP, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, and tricyclic antidepressants. Best of all, it provides results in just five minutes! 

Testclear’s 10-panel Multi-Drug Home Dip Test

Passing a 10-Panel Drug Test

Ten panel drug tests can detect various substances, including prescription drugs. In this case, there are a few products that can ensure you pass a drug test with flying colors. Testclear offers comprehensive drug-passing solutions that are quality and guaranteed to work by the manufacturer.

Powdered Urine Kit

For unsupervised urine tests, Testclear’s Powdered Urine Kit is an effective option that is guaranteed to work every time (if prepared correctly).

Testclear’s Powdered Urine Kit effectively simulates authentic human urine.

The powdered urine kit includes the following:

  • One vial containing powdered urine
  • One 50 ml plastic medical transport vial with a blue lid
  • One temperature strip
  • Two air-activated heaters

Did You Know: Our Powdered Urine Kit is made from authentic, 100% drug-free urine and contains uric acid and other compounds present in human urine! It’s the real deal. 

The powdered urine successfully conceals the use of illicit substances like THC, opiates, synthetic opioids, stimulants, and others that may be detected in 10-panel urine tests.

It’s worth noting that this kit requires an unsupervised urine test because you’ll need to mix the powdered urine with water to submit the urine sample. If you’re completing a urine test under supervision, this kit will not work. 

Detox Cleansing Kits

Testclear offers a variety of detoxification kits that can help flush the body of any remaining toxins from drug use. If you have a scheduled drug test, these solutions are designed to help eliminate toxins and illegal drugs in a safe, natural way. We offer the following effective detox kit solutions:

As you can see, you have many options to detox and ensure you can pass your upcoming urine drug test. It takes planning and preparation, but passing is possible if you do your research and have enough time to implement the necessary steps.

Pass Your Next 10-Panel Drug Test with Testclear

For over 20 years, Testclear has been in the business of helping individuals pass drug tests effectively so they can continue living their lives. Whether you’re undergoing workplace drug testing or having to showcase sobriety for a legal matter, Testclear offers various comprehensive drug testing and detox solutions to help. Explore all our detox products here.

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