Drug Testing Myths and What to Do Instead

How People Try to Cheat Drug Testing and Positive Results

PUBLISHED: Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Drug Testing Myths and What to Do Instead

Drug testing has become common for job applicants, especially for Fortune 500 corporations. Around a million people are tested yearly, and drug byproducts can be detected in urine, blood, hair, external residue, and sweat. Employers also use urinalysis to test women for pregnancy, which has resulted in pregnant women getting laid off or denied employment after testing positive. Additionally, parents are using drug tests to spy on their children, and the military screens all active duty members annually.

If you're a drug user, this guide can help you avoid becoming a drug war victim. Specifically, marijuana is the main focus of this paper, although other drugs are also covered. This guide is exciting and informative, even if you're not a drug user.

Drug Testing FAQ on Detection Time 

DETECTION TIMES: Drug tests can detect both drugs and their metabolites, which are the byproducts of a substance after it has run through your system. To determine whether you will pass a drug test, knowing how much of the illicit metabolites are in your urine and how much will be tested is essential. Table 1.2 approximates detection times but can vary depending on several factors. The testing method and levels tested for are significant factors.

Half-life of TetraHydraCannabinol: The half-life of THC concentration can range from 0.8 to 9.8 days. It isn't easy to estimate how long THC will be detected in an individual's urine due to human variation. Infrequent users with a fast metabolism will have the shortest detection time, while frequent users with a slow metabolism will have longer detection times. The only way to estimate a detection time is to consider the lower and upper bounds (3-30 days) and other factors.

Detection times of several drugs: Please refer to the table below for approximate detection times of different drugs in urine using EMIT.

Drug Approximate Detection Time in Urine using EMIT

  • Amphetamines 2-4 days
  • Barbituates
  • Short-Acting (e.g. secobarbital) 1 day
  • Long-acting (e.g. phenobarbital) 2-3 weeks
  • Benzodiazepines 3-7 days
  • Cannabinoids 3-30 days
  • Clenbuterol [PE] 2-4 days [F1]
  • Cocaine 2-4 days
  • Codeine 2-5 days
  • Euphorics (MDMA, psilocybin) 1-3 days [F2]
  • LSD 1-4 days [F6]
  • Methadone 3-5 days
  • Methaqualone 14 days
  • Nicotine? [F5]
  • Opiates 2-4 days
  • Peptide hormones [PE] are undetectable
  • Phencyclidine (PCP) 2-4 days [F4]
  • Phenobarbital 10-20 days
  • Propoxyphene 6 hours to 2 days
  • Steroids (anabolic) [PE] oral 14 days [F3]
  • parenterally: 1 month [F3]
  • [F1] 0.5 ng/mL by GC/MS
  • [F2] By RIA and GC/MS only. Not Detectable by EMIT.
  • [F3] By HPLC, RIA, and GC/MS. Not Detectable by EMIT.
  • [F4] 8-14 days, as reported in earlier versions, was incorrect.
  • [F5] No data available yet. I expect the detection time to be long because nicotine is fat-soluble.
  • [F6] Detectable by EMIT and RIA but rarely tested. A lab will only test for LSD when specifically requested.

Note: Detection times vary depending on the analytical method used, drug metabolism, tolerance, patient's condition, fluid intake, and process and frequency of ingestion. These are general guidelines only.

It is advised to call in sick on test day to delay the test by one more day, if possible. This may be helpful. Factors that determine the degree of intoxication include metabolism, tolerance, frequency of intake, fluid intake, amount of marijuana, potency of marijuana, and the length of time you've been a user. If you use marijuana on rare occasions, your urine may be metabolite-free in less than a week. A phenomenon occurs with chronic users where they may eliminate drugs quicker than an occasional user. A chronic user with a high tolerance may test negative after a week-long binge. However, lipid tissue also plays a significant role in the detection time. Skinny users usually have a faster metabolism and lack storage for THC metabolites, while fat can lead to a longer detection time. Therefore, an individual's detection time for THC is unpredictable. 

It is requested to refrain from posting or emailing a question asking how long it will take to pass a drug test. This is the most frequently asked question, but it is impossible to estimate the detection time for individual bodies. 

In NIDA-certified labs, 50 nanograms of THC metabolites per milliliter is considered a "presumptive positive." It is important to remember that these cutoffs may vary between labs. For instance, some labs may use a 15 ng/mL cutoff. Below is a table showing the cutoffs for other drugs:

[TABLE 1.3]


  • Amphetamines Class 500 500
  • Amphetamine 500
  • Methamphetamine 200
  • Barbituates 200 100
  • Cocaine 150 150
  • Marijuana 50 15
  • Opiates 300
  • Codeine 300
  • Morphine 300
  • Phencyclidine 25 25

All cutoff levels are in micrograms/mL**

Passive smoke and positives: According to Nightbyrd, secondhand marijuana smoke in a car can cause someone to fail a drug test the next day. However, it is important to note that extreme exposure is required for secondhand smoke to raise someone's THC levels to 50 ng/mL. For example, being in a closed car with pot smokers for an extended period may cause a non-smoker to test positive for both urinalysis and hair tests. The Army conducted a study where volunteers were exposed to smoke in a closed room for an hour, five times a day. Subjects started to test positive for THC after the second day of exposure. Therefore, for a non-smoker to test positive for THC, they would have to inhale virtually as much secondhand smoke as a smoker. However, non-smokers are safe in a ventilated area if they do not undergo a hair test. Clinton suggests that blowing crack smoke on one's hair can cause a positive hair test. It is important to note that secondhand marijuana smoke has a lesser effect on hair test results than crack smoke because exhaled marijuana smoke contains no THC. The only marijuana smoke that contains THC is the smoke that has not yet entered the lungs.

Decreasing Detection Times: If you want to reduce the period that drugs can be detected in your system, increasing metabolism is the most effective way. Physical activity can increase your metabolic rate by up to two thousand percent, making it an excellent way to boost your metabolism. Proper training with intensity can provide the desired results. A high-calorie diet is another way to increase metabolism by up to 10 percent. Consuming high-calorie food in large quantities is the key to achieving this. In contrast, a light diet could lower your metabolism by 10 percent. Speed (the drug) can also increase metabolism, but it's risky since labs usually test for it. So, exercising intensely and consuming a high-calorie diet is best to reduce detection times.


Drug testing accuracy is a topic that is often disputed. Opponents of drug testing cite high false positive rates, while supporters claim high accuracy. However, the accuracy of drug testing varies widely between labs. The National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) is the government organization responsible for regulating the drug testing industry. They set the standards for urine drug screens to avoid false positives. Most urine drug screens now conform to NIDA specifications, and all government testing (Department of Transportation, etc.) complies with the NIDA standard. 

Getting the right lab to carry out the drug test is essential. While NIDA-certified labs are generally accurate, not all labs are certified. The College of American Pathologists (CAP) also certifies laboratories similarly to NIDA. NIDA keeps its labs in check by sending positive and negative double-blind samples, and if the lab results are inaccurate, they may lose certification. 

It is essential to note that not all labs perform the GC/MS confirmation procedure on-site. Some labs send samples to another laboratory to reduce expenses, which may impact accuracy. Also, human errors can occur in labs and cause inaccurate results. Mistakes can be due to carelessness, irresponsibility, or accidents. 

Overall, drug testing, when done correctly with all required controls and confirmation procedures, is reliable and accurate. However, it is important to research and choose a reputable lab to ensure accurate results.

The accuracy of drug testing is an area where I've decided to neglect all statistics. Those who oppose drug testing provide numbers indicating a high level of false positives. Those who favor drug testing provide numbers indicating high levels of accuracy. The fact is that accuracy varies widely from lab to lab. Generally speaking, NIDA labs are accurate. Clinton writes: 

NIDA (The National Institute of Drug Abuse) is the government organization responsible for regulating the drug-testing industry. Most urine drug screens these days conform to NIDA specs, and ALL testing associated with the government (Department of Transportation, etc.) complies with the NIDA standard. NIDA decides what the "safe" cutoffs are to avoid false positives.... Despite what you might hear on the net, urinalysis is a very accurate scientific procedure if done correctly. I know of no labs that report the results of the initial EMIT screening without confirming the sample on GC/MS. Labs WANT you to test negative because then they only have to run an EMIT test on your urine (a few cents). If you test positive, they must then confirm the positive result on GC/MS, which is considerably more expensive. . . . Incidentally, the machine that tests the hair is a relative of the GC/MS but is FAR more precise. It can accurately detect THC levels in a solution below 1 ng/mL!

CAP (College of American Pathologists) also certifies laboratories like NIDA. NIDA keeps its labs in check by sending positive and negative double-blind samples. Lab personnel do not know what samples came from NIDA. If the lab results are wrong, NIDA may take away the lab's certification. Only labs that perform the GC/MS on-site can be NIDA certified. Labs that send samples to another laboratory for GC/MS confirmation are ineligible for NIDA certification. "Drug testing, when done properly with all required controls and confirmation procedures, is very accurate and reliable" (anon1).

Not all labs are NIDA/CAP certified. Some labs do not properly and thoroughly clean the GC/MS equipment. Some labs don't even do a GC/MS confirmation! Some labs use cheap alternative methods to reduce expenses.

Many human errors occur in labs and cause inaccurate results. Some are careless or irresponsible errors, and some errors are accidents. Human error can ruin the results of ANY test, screening, or confirmation GC/MS.

The only lab you should be concerned with is the one that is testing you. Only Federal jobs require NIDA standards. Your typical private employer may use any lab s/he chooses, which is likely the least expensive. Businesses don't always choose NIDA labs that follow up a positive screening test with a confirmation GC/MS.

  1. Procedures used:  An EMIT screening is typically used in the workplace, with a CG/MS confirmation if the EMIT is positive. However, this is not a rule; employers can, and some do, use unusual procedures. Some employers use the RIA, and some use the hair test. The government uses RIA. They may or may not supervise the subject. The courier must monitor Olympic athletes after a competition. The courier stays with the athlete until the athlete urinates, with a time frame of up to sixty minutes.
  2. False positives:  It is important to remember that no laboratory process is completely error-free. While the GC/MS test is nearly perfect in terms of accuracy, the EMIT test is known to be far from accurate. As a result, it is crucial to be aware of false positives that may arise when you are subjected to an EMIT test. False positives are quite common, so taking this issue seriously is essential. However, if you know there will be a GC/MS confirmation test, you can ignore this section. Listing all the false positives here would be a tedious task. However, Jeff Nightbyrd's "Conquering the Urine Tests" pamphlet provides a detailed list of most of the false positives. If you are clean and want to teach the testing industry a lesson about conducting these absurd tests and know that there will be a confirmation test, you could consume several false positives. This would force labs to pay for the high-priced GC/MS test, eventually driving up test expenses. It's important to note that you will still pass the test if you don't use any true positives.
  3. Ibuprofen: Ibuprofen is a common pain reliever that (even in low dosages) is used to cause a false THC positive on the EMIT test. The EMIT has been changed to use a different enzyme to eliminate false positives due to Ibuprofen. Ibuprofen in very high doses will still interfere with both the EMIT and the GC/MS. There is some conflicting data here because some sources say that the GC/MS tests can distinguish between Ibuprofen and THC (as well as other over-the-counter drugs).
  4. Cold remedies, pain relievers, hay fever remedies, & diet pills: Decongestants and diet pills result in false positives for amphetamine use in one-third of the test samples given to 40 of the country's leading laboratories. There are roughly 300 over-the-counter drugs that cause false positives on the EMIT.
  5. Antibiotics: Certain antibiotics (like Amoxicillin) are claimed to cause a positive for heroin or cocaine. My expert source could not verify this, so I regret that there is some uncertainty here.
  6. Melanin (black skin): is the brown pigment that protects your skin from UV rays. It was raised as a discrimination issue in the 1980s and argued that Melanin's molecular structure is similar to that of a THC metabolite. Subsequent research revealed flaws in the data. Melanin was found to not affect THC metabolite testing. 
  7. DHEA: taken by AIDS patients will cause a false positive for anabolic steroid use.
  8. Dental treatment:  Caine products (like novocaine) used in dentistry have been known to cause false positives for cocaine.
  9. True positives (legitimate): Some legal products contain small amounts of illegal chemicals. All tests, including the GC/MS, will test you positive because the metabolites derived from the true positive are identical to those of illegal drugs. One exception: poppy seeds will not cause a positive GC/MS (explained below) 
  10. Poppy seeds: Poppy seeds, usually on bread, contain traces of morphine and lead to positives for opiates. According to Dr. Grow, eating a pastry filled with poppy seeds will bring results showing that you are a *high-level* opiate user. Harold Crossley, a nationally known chemical dependency expert, said you would have to eat 100 poppy seed bagels to score a positive on a drug test. When considering that very few poppy seeds are sprinkled on bagels, you can see that poppy seeds from a hundred poppy seed bagels will easily fill a single large pastry. Purim cookies, a Jewish food called Hamantashen, may have five to six tablespoons of poppy seeds. A couple of Purim cookies may cause a positive test. Poppy seeds can be distinguished from illicit drugs on the GC/MS test. Although poppy seeds have the same metabolites as opium, these metabolites are shown to have different patterns when viewed with the GC/MS.
  11. Testosterone supplements: Orchic extract (found in bull's balls) will give a positive for anabolic steroid use. It is a legitimate substance that causes the test to imply that you abuse steroids. 


There are commercial and household products that will help you pass the test. Some people object to commercial products because they "are just trying to cash in on the War on Drugs." They also charge high prices and water alone works for most. Also, be aware that Texas outlawed products with the sole purpose of creating negative results on urine tests. I have put a (c) next to the commercial products to indicate that they are designed to beat the test. Those of you who oppose them or reside in Texas can skip items with a (c). Ignore money-back guarantees. Company that suck in thousands of High Times readers make so much that a few returns from motivated users are insignificant. People could even get away with offering a money-back guarantee for Goldenseal because all the water they drink with it causes most of them to pass. Some companies don't keep their word. A urinator who tested positive sent the lab results back, only to be told that marijuana is illegal. He was not even compensated for buying a failing product.


Laboratories know how easy it is to tamper with urine samples and alter the results. Labs often do tests to find out if the sample is legitimate.

  • Color: If a urine sample looks clear, the lab will suspect that it's watered down. They can't report it as positive, but they may reject the sample and inform your employer that you tried to beat the test. If this happens, the sample might as well be positive because you won't get hired. Take vitamin B complex to color your urine yellow.
  • Temperature: Urine should be between 91 and 97 degrees. NIDA-certified labs will verify the temperature. If it isn't, they will suspect you added water to the cup or used a substitution. Disposable pocket hand warmers (sold in department stores) will keep a urine sample warm, provided that the urine is in a condom or douche bag.
  • Creatinine: is a substance produced by vertebrates that shows up in urine. If someone substitutes their urine with something other than urine, like Mountain Dew, they will test negative for drugs. The testee will most likely not get away with it because Mountain Dew contains zero creatinine, and labs test creatinine levels to ensure that the sample is valid. Creatinine levels drop below normal when people dilute their urine. This test to ensure that the subject didn't drink unusual amounts of water. An *accurate* creatinine "clearance" test would require a urine and blood test 24 hours before the drug test to determine the normal creatinine level for that individual. This is rarely done. You should still be cautious because they often use the inaccurate method of comparing your creatinine level during the drug test to an average. Eating foods rich in protein, like red meat, will slightly increase creatinine levels. There is no significant variation between vegetarians and armors, so protein has little effect. Sexual activity also raises creatinine levels. I doubt sexual activity influences creatinine levels with much significance. However, a vegetarian who doesn't have much sex should be concerned. Drug-free people sometimes lose their jobs for having too low of a creatinine level.
  • PH: Often changes when people spike their sample with household products. Use caution when doping urine, pH is usually tested.5.5 Specific gravity: An unusual specific gravity indicates that a sample has been tampered with.
  • Age: It cannot be tested using urine. There is a rumor that approximate age can be detected in urine and is tested in medical insurance exams. It's a myth.
  • Gender: It cannot be tested either. As with age, there is a rumor that gender can be detected in urine and is tested in medical insurance exams. It's another myth. It may be argued that a pregnancy test can be used to detect the gender of the urine provider, but the same test is used to detect prostate cancer in males.


THC is fat soluble, and it gets stored in your fat cells. Cleaning it out of your lipid tissue is very difficult. Many herbal products claim to clean out your system, yet they do nothing to remove THC byproducts from fat cells. A study was done in Germany in 1993 on 50 of the most common herbs used by people trying to pass the test. All 50 herbs failed to cause a negative. Unfortunately, this rumor will not die. Goldenseal (plant) is useless, yet it's the most common thing for people to use. Exercise is the only way to extract THC from fat cells (5.8). Fat cells secrete fat with THC metabolites constantly, regardless of what herbs you consume. You may be able to temporarily clean THC metabolites from your bloodstream or dilute your fluids to yield a larger urine/THC ratio. Still, your bloodstream will continue collecting THC metabolites from fat. Your urine will continue collecting THC metabolites from your bloodstream.


  1. Dilution: Hypersaturating your body with fluids will dilute metabolites, possibly below the 50 ng/mL threshold, depending on your metabolism. Be aware that creatinine levels are often tested and will show that the sample has been diluted. Diluting your sample will also produce clear urine, with virtually no yellow color. They will assume that you've diluted your sample, and they may reject your sample based on color alone. It's only necessary to start drinking just before the test. Those who drown themselves in fluid days before a test are only causing unnecessary discomfort. Those who stay up all night drinking don't have any better chance than those who drinks heavily first thing in the morning. Get up early if the test is early, but don't lose sleep over a test that's given in the daytime.
  2. Water: Drink at least eight hefty glasses of fluid (preferably water) just before the test. Many people drink water several days before the test, which is useless. Water does *not* clean any THC metabolites out of your system because THC is not water-soluble. Water only dilutes urine temporarily. Do not overdo it; you can get water intoxication. People can overdose and even die from water intoxication. It's very hard to do, and you'll vomit before anything gets serious.
  3. Creatinine level: Eating red meat will boost creatinine levels. If you eat a lot of red meat for the 3 days before the test, your creatinine level will be normal, and the lab won't know that you've diluted your urine sample.
  4. Vitamin B: Color your sample yellow by taking 50 to 100 milligrams of vitamin B. Many vitamins will work, but B-2 or B-12 (found in B-complex vitamins) are the most effective, though some will argue that vitamin C is better. This will also help if you plan to dope your sample (section 7). This does not guarantee that dilution will work. Diluted samples have been red-flagged when specific gravity and creatinine levels are tested and below normal. If you take vitamins at the last minute, check to see if they're time-release. If so, crush it up and consume the powder. Coloring your urine isn't all that important because it's normal for people to have clear urine even when they don't consume much fluid.
  5. Diuretics: Diuretics make people urinate frequently. Coffee, cranberry juice, beer, iced tea, herbal tea, and Pepsi are all good diuretics. Grapes are known to be very good diuretics. Diuretics without caffeine or alcohol are recommended because caffeine and alcohol have negative side effects. Cranberry juice is also the cheapest. Avoid salts. Herbal diuretics do better than home remedies like juices.
  6. Ultimate Blend (c): This product used to be known as Test Free, but the name was changed. Ultimate Blend is a diuretic designed for the test but works no better than other diuretics. Zydot Unlimited Inc. sells Ultimate Blend.
  7. Detoxify Carbo Clean (c): This is a very new product, untested by a third party. It claims to absorb toxins. However, experts say that drinking THC metabolites from fat cells is impossible. Here is a copy of the ad from Party Hut Enterprizes: Detox] Is a scientifically formulated carbohydrate blend that works by absorbing toxins and imuurities[sic]. It has been featured in High Times, and we are so confident of the results that we are offering a double-your-money-back guarantee for any failed results. This is the most complete program for the cleanest results! Precleanse (tm) herbal capsules are enclosed in every box of Carbo Clean. This extra advantage helps you begin cleansing the evening before the deadline. B-Complex tablets complete the program.
  8. Naturally Klean Herbal Tea (c): It has been claimed that Klean can clear any drug metabolites for a few hours after consumption. This should be taken shortly before a drug test. However, it is important to note that while Klean was previously listed as a drug screen, it will not help you pass a urine test, except for diluting your urine. You can purchase Klean from either the Martha Butterfield-Jay Foundation or J&J Enterprizes. An anonymous user has provided the ingredients list, which includes dandelion root, burdock root, red clover top, chamomile flower, alfalfa leaf, licorice root, slippery elm inner bark, hibiscus flower, dog rose hips, and natural fruit flavors. Dandelion root is said to be the most effective diuretic.
  9. Goldenseal: Goldenseal is a plant, and you can get either the root or the leaves in pill form. It's also a liquid or tea. The liquid is rumored to absorb slower than the capsules. Goldenseal is a diuretic, but works no better than other diuretics. Furthermore, NORML reports that Goldenseal is now being tested for. Taking Goldenseal is a foolish waste.
  10. Certa or Certo: This is an untested diuretic. Certa "has something to do with canning. Some people swear by it. Trouble is, it's always somebody else, a third party not present during the conversation, who uses it" (Pearson). I've heard rumors about people who smoked right up to the day before the test, consumed fruit pectin (a canning substance similar to Certa), and passed the test. However, there haven't been any tests to validate those claims. Will someone with a lab at their disposal please test this stuff?
  11. Vales Original Formula: Another herbal remedy like Goldenseal. It does nothing. The water you must take with it does everything Vales claims to do.
  12. Lasix: Take an 80 milligram dose of prescription diuretic lasix (furosemide). Prescription diuretics are the most potent. Some over-the-counter diuretics will color your urine blue and should be avoided. WARNING! -Diuretics can harm people with kidney problems, pregnant women, and diabetics.-
  13. There is a myth that drinking vinegar will mask drugs; it won't. However, vinegar lowers the pH of urine. Amphetamines are excreted up to 3 times as fast when urine is acidified. So, vinegar could reduce the detection period for amphetamines. The effects on detection time are generally insignificant, and I think drinking vinegar wouldn't be worth it. If you do decide to drink vinegar, I hear it's easiest to get a shot glass and do it in shots. It will cause diarrhea.
  14. Dexatrim: There is a myth that taking phenylpropanolamine (Dexatrim's active ingredient) will work. It won't. Dexatrim is a false positive and may work against you. The myth may have originated because Dexatrim was claimed to speed metabolism. However, the fact that Dextrim causes a positive makes it useless.
  15. Fiber: A high-fiber diet will help redirect fat-soluble metabolites to the colon rather than the bladder. "THC is eliminated primarily in the stool via bile acids. EMIT and RIA detect a secondary metabolite reabsorbed from the intestines. Thus a person with a high fiber diet will excrete a majority of THC [metabolites] in the stool" (anon1). A fiber-based laxative will also help by binding bile acids. Use caution. Fiber laxatives can alter one's bowel schedule and lead to dependence.
  16. Vitamin lecithin: A recent method still under development is taking vitamin lecithin. This vitamin breaks down your stored fat and disperses it into your bloodstream to help clean out drugs that store themselves in lipid tissue, such as THC. NORML recommends taking Lecithin right up to the day of the test. It sounds like this would work against you because you are increasing metabolites in the urine by putting THC back in your bloodstream. Someone has suggested that you take vitamin lecithin regularly to clean lipids of THC metabolites. Then quit before the test, which seems to make more sense. It MAY be useless to take lecithin supplements orally. I've been told that the digestive system breaks it down too much before entering the bloodstream. Most aren't willing to take vitamins intravenously. (If you do decide to take lecithin, you might as well take B5 with it. B5 aids in the process of turning lecithin into acetylcholine.) Another solution is to take nutrients which help the body manufacture lecithin. Lipotrophics cause the liver to produce lecithin. A good source for this information is the Austin Nutritional Research page.

How to give a clean sample: Don't give urine from your first urination of the day. It's the dirtiest and can be heavily filled with metabolites. Urinate a couple of times before giving a test sample. Also, don't give the beginning or end of the stream. Piss in the toilet, then quickly stop and go in the cup. Stop, and shift back to the toilet for the last portion. Only give a midstream sample. Just be sure to give 60 ccs.

Athletes have a big advantage over normal civilians. When fat is burned, THC byproducts are released into the Blood. This is the only way to get THC metabolites out of lipid tissue. "Normal living will burn them slowly, as your fat reserves get turned over" (Dr. Grow). Due to an athlete's high metabolic rate, THC moves through an athlete's system significantly faster. Exercising between drug tests will clean THC metabolites from the system at a faster rate, thus lowering the detection period. It is essential to stop burning fat cells near test time. It doesn't matter what's in your lipid tissue on test day. What's in your Blood and Urine does matter. Exercise increases the amount of THC metabolites in the urine, so quit exercising a week before the test. Be lazy, and eat big. This will put the body in an anabolic fat-storing stage. At this point, the "buried" THC metabolites won't escape and go into the urine. Some drugs will increase metabolism the way exercise does, but these are the same drugs they usually test for. Exercise should only be considered when the subject knows that he or she will not be given a pop quiz shortly.

Beta-2 agonists: Studies have shown that Clenbuterol reduces fat, which would help rid lipid tissue of THC metabolites. Clenbuterol also increases metabolism. No studies have directly shown that Clenbuterol will help pass a drug test. However, provided that it reduces fat, I would assume that the fat breakdown would result in less fat-soluble substances in the system. Caution: Clenbuterol is labeled as a performance enhancer, and it's on the banned list for athlete testing. If you are being tested as an athlete, avoid Clenbuterol! 

Beta-3 agonists are drugs that stimulate the beta-3 adrenergic receptors on brown fat cells. The beta-3 adrenergic receptor is located on the surface of fat cells and controls the amount of fat the cell releases into the bloodstream. When brown fat is stimulated, white fat is burned (converted into heat). Many people have mutant beta-3 adrenergic receptors, causing calories to be burned too slowly, thus leading to obesity. These people will benefit most from beta-3 agonist drugs. If the drug works as claimed, I believe it would reduce the detection time of fat-soluble drugs by continually excreting metabolites into the bloodstream faster. As with vitamin lecithin and exercise, you would take beta-3 agonists between tests and quit a couple of days before the test. Beta-3 agonists have been in the development phase for the past 13 years. One firm is already testing a beta-3 drug in early clinical trials. It's not on the market yet.

Low dosage: If you're an athlete and get tested for steroids, you can still use anabolic steroids and possibly beat the cutoff. The body naturally produces testosterone (a steroid), and small amounts of testosterone are in urine by default. Some athletes can keep their steroid intake low enough to indicate a natural level of steroids. A study found that 67% of steroid users take more than the recommended amount, and they stack (meaning they take two or more different kinds of steroids). Steroids are only meant to be used in small amounts, to begin with. Anything over a normal dose goes unused. Also, no study has shown stacking to be beneficial. 


Some chemicals taken orally supposedly will mask traces of drugs in urine. Advertisers like to present their diuretic as a masking agent to make the sale. Consequently, diuretics are often mistaken for drug screens. Most herbal products claim to do a lot more than they do. Don't be fooled by herbal potions that claim to flush or absorb toxins.

Drug screens that work

  1. Aspirin: Jeff Nightbyrd has suggested that taking four aspirins a few hours before a test might help you, based on industry data. According to him, aspirin interferes with the Sylvia EMIT assay by absorbing at the same wavelength as NAD, which interferes with the assay (Clin Chem 34 (90) 602-606). Two reliable sources have tested aspirin and found that it interferes with the EMIT. Although there are plans to find a way to circumvent this test flaw in the future, until then, it is recommended to take advantage of the situation and use aspirin.

Drug screens that do not work: 

  1. Goldenseal: Goldenseal has shown to work on occasion. However, some labs are reportedly testing for Goldenseal. Goldenseal is very unreliable, and California NORML advises against using it. Goldenseal (as a screen) only works on the TLC test, which is not used anymore.
  2. Niacin has been shown to work on occasion. Byrd Labs tests conclude that niacin doesn't work at all. In other words, something else probably caused a negative, not the niacin. 
  3. Zinc sulfate: Zinc sulfate is claimed to bond with THC metabolites, and because it's a solid, it gets passed as stool rather than urine. Jeff Nightbyrd says it does nothing. Anne Watters Pearson said, "Zinc sulfate is no miracle drug for pissing. Forget it."

Untested drug screens:

  1. Puri-Blend (c): Puri-Blend is claimed to "block" metabolites from entering the bloodstream and to "neutralize" all drugs in the urine. I don't believe it myself. Sold in GNC stores. 
  2. The Stuff (c): The Stuff is claimed to absorb toxins in the body and block the detection of true and false positives and is sold by J&J Enterprises. 


"Doping" samples consist of spiking the sample with different chemicals. Chemicals that defeat immunoglobulin/antigen binding will cause a false negative on the EMIT. Most of these additives only work on the standard EMIT screening, not on RIA or GC/MS tests. In many cases, passing the EMIT is good enough because they will never do a RIA or GC/MS confirmation on a sample that showed negative. Also, you may be watched, so don't rely on this method. You should be able to find out beforehand if you will be supervised. Some of the following additives alter the urine's pH, and most labs now test the pH to see if the sample has been adulterated. You may want to carry an additive in your wallet if you are subject to random tests. Additives are illegal in the state of Texas, and commercial vendors will not ship their products to Texas addresses.

 Effective additives: These additives are recommended.

  1. Bleach (powdered): It's important to note that chlorinated bleach may test negative, but it's still considered the best household additive. In case of an emergency, Jeff Nightbyrd recommends adding unscented bleach crystals to a diluted sample. To ensure effectiveness, it's recommended to grind the powdered bleach to a finer consistency. For a 60cc sample, adding 1/4 teaspoon of bleach or six to ten drops of liquid bleach is recommended. However, adding bleach to a sample will affect its pH levels, which may indicate that the sample has been tampered with. Remember that some bleaches may leave residue or cause foaming, so it's important to experiment with different brands before settling on one.
  2. Klear (c):  Klear is a powdered additive. Jeff Nightbyrd, Ann Waters Pearson, and Party Hut Enterprises currently endorse Klear. It is the most advanced and least detectable. Klear will clear up THC metabolites and nicotine byproducts on the EMIT. If methamphetamines are present, Klear won't help. Klear is only designed to work on the EMIT. It will also work on the RIA when there is a good period between the urine getting spiked and getting tested. If the RIA test is not performed on-site, Klear will likely cause a false negative. Klear can be purchased from the Martha Butterfield-Jay Foundation, and Party Hut Enterprises now carries it. You can also get Klear directly from Klear (the organization).
  3. Water: If you need to dilute your sample, you can use water. Please note that this is not for drinking purposes. Add water directly to the sample. It is advised to use hot water, between 91 and 97 degrees Fahrenheit, as the facility will likely take the temperature of the sample. However, this method is only sometimes dependable, as some facilities may have the sink water shut off. If there is running water, you may use it, but be careful. If you turn on the water, make sure it sounds like you are washing your hands or doing something similar.

Ineffective additives: These additives are not recommended. Many of these may give negative test results but are not recommended for other reasons.

  1. Ammonia: 2 ounces will render the sample negative. The pH is altered, and the ammonia odor is strong enough to be recognized.
  2. Blood:  It's been said that a few drops of Blood will fix your sample; it doesn't. 
  3. Draino: Draino will test negative. However, Draino is NOT recommended because it doesn't work well even when added to half a teaspoon. It colors the sample blue, putting the pH outside the normal body range. Draino foams and leaves metal specs that must be removed.
  4. Goldenseal: A myth. Goldenseal put directly in the sample doesn't alter test results. It only turns the specimen brown. Do not dope your Urine with Goldenseal. Goldenseal is more commonly used as a screen to be consumed. See Goldenseal under section 7.2.1. 
  5. Hydrogen peroxide: Industrial grade will destroy half the THC metabolites. Household-strength hydrogen peroxide does nothing. 30% H2O2 may "oxidize the THC metabolite into something that would not react in the screening test and would show up as something different by GC/MS" (anon1).
  6. Lemon juice:  Lemon juice is a myth; it will not change the test results.
  7. Liquid soap: Will test negative but makes the specimen cloudy, which certainly draws suspicion. 
  8. Mary Jane's SuperClean 13 (c): This additive was effective for a very short period. SuperClean had to be strong enough to beat the tests, but weak enough to be undetectable. It failed to cause a false-negative in 3% of the tests. It also causes a false positive on the EMIT for alcohol! Don't use it
  9. Purifyit (c): Imported from Europe, Party Hut Enterprises sells Purifyit with a money-back guarantee. PHE claims there have been no returns. Oklahoma NORML refuses to endorse this product because it has flunked too many truck drivers.
  10. Sodium nitrate: This is more effective than table salt (below) but dissolves poorly.
  11. Table salt: Two tablespoons of salt will test negative but put the density out of the normal range. Residue can also be seen at the bottom of the cup.
  12. UrinAid (c): UrinAid, produced by Byrd Labs, is very potent and works every time for masking pot and nicotine, but not cocaine or heroin. They have recently developed a test solely to detect UrinAid. UrinAid is tested for in 5% of the labs. Oklahoma NORML has stopped selling this product because it's "too detectable."
  13. Vinegar: Adding vinegar to your sample will test negative but also drop the pH. Lowering the pH is what causes the sample to test negative. "If the urine is extremely acidic or alkaline, the antigen-antibody reaction will proceed slower, which COULD produce a false negative" (anon1). This method is not recommended because if you are lucky and lower the pH enough to produce a negative, there's a chance that the pH itself will also be tested.
  14. Visine: There is a debate regarding the effectiveness of Visine. Byrd Labs claimed that Visine does not work. However, Clinton reported that his lab conducted a test on Visine and found that it works consistently as a false negative for the EMIT. The sample cannot foam, which makes it detectable.
  15. WD40: Another myth. WD40 can only harm.

Untested additives

  1. Papain: This is a papaya enzyme available over the counter. It isn't known whether this does anything. Dr. Grow said that Papain is an antibody to THC and in theory, may destroy THC when added to the urine sample. However, positive urine doesn't contain THC; it contains THC byproducts. Papain has not been tested and may or may not work. 


Here's a method that can be used for every urine test, provided that some conditions are met. Instead of giving your urine, you give them clean urine from someone else. This method works well if you need to be supervised. However, if you are being supervised, convince them not to watch you. If you can't convince them, someone suggested leaving some drops of urine on the seat or your shoe to make it look more authentic. Members in active duty are often watched while taking the test, but even in this case, substitution can work. Abbie Hoffman, who authored "Stealing This Urine Test," suggested leaving a few drops of urine on the seat or shoe as an added measure of authenticity.

Substitution methods: There are three methods, but two are painful, and you must be determined to use them. The most common way to sneak in urine is in a concealed container.

  1. Concealed container: Conceal the urine. The first time you're alone with the container they give you, dump in your concealed urine. Be sure you can quietly open the container; the lab personnel may be listening outside the door. You may be required to change into a gown. If so, a condom or douchebag holding the sample and taped around the thigh can be concealed under the gown. You can also run a plastic line from a flexible container, tape it to your urination equipment (to be gender-neutral), and even piss under supervision. Females have been known to keep a condom with the urine sample in the vagina and prick it with a sharp fingernail to piss under supervision. Be sure to keep the sample between 91 and 97 degrees.
  2. Injection: There's a way to use substitution even when you're under the strictest supervision. Athletes trying to pass tests for anabolic steroids have been known to empty their bladders and inject the substituted urine directly into them via needle. It was shown in a motion picture like "Wildcats" or something. While theoretically possible, it's painful and subject to infection. It would certainly be the most senseless way to get clean urine into the testee's bladder. If this must be done, catheterization should be used.
  3. Catheterization: First, void your bladder as you would with injection. Run a thin plastic tube to the bladder. (Males must insert the tube into the opening of the penis, go through the urethra and into the bladder.) Catheterization done on females is not as unpleasant as it is for males. Then inject the clean urine into the bladder via catheter. Catheterization is less painful, safer, and more effective. Infection is still possible.


Where to get clean urine?

  1. Urine from a donor: You can substitute someone else's urine. Ask your urine donor (hopefully a friend you can trust) what drugs they've taken in the last month. They may have taken a false positive (or a true positive, for that matter). Before the test, the examiner will likely ask you to list everything you've taken. If the urine ages beyond 18 hours, deterioration becomes noticeable and the lab may suspect something.
  2. Powdered Urine: If you don't trust your friend's sample or don't have any clean friends, you can get powdered Urine from the Martha Butterfield-Jay Foundation. Byrd Labs produces it, and supposedly works perfectly; however, I got MBJF's powdered urine, and it did not specify the age or gender of the original sample. Powdered urine must be prepared ahead of time. If there is a period that you are clean, you can make powdered urine from your own supply.
  3. Making your powdered urine: Urinate in a glass container. Let it evaporate. Then scrape the inside for the concentrate. Just mix it with water before the test, and the sample will have the correct specific gravity, pH, color, etc.
  4. Dog urine: I heard from Dr. Grow that dog urine (of all things) can be substituted and will pass the test! However, I don't know how an age, gender, pH, or creatinine test would result. Someone could use dog urine for several months to pass the test. This subsection assumes you have a clean dog. I know my dog's urine wouldn't pass; he eats more weed than humans do. Using human urine would make more sense, but dog urine provides a workable substitution in an emergency. 


Speaking of stealing, people have been known to get away with stealing their sample from the tray, among many other urine samples. In the case that I heard, the person being tested never got the test results and was hired for the job that he was tested for. They wouldn't dare ask someone to re-test because they "lost" his/her urine sample. Don't expect this method to work if you are being tested for the military or if you're on parole; they have no problem violating your rights repeatedly.



If you fail the test, raise hell. Failing the drug test has made a quiet person go ballistic. You will be interviewed by a medical review official (MRO), who will try to find out why you tested positive. MROs are NOT impartial. An MRO is an employee of the lab and is there for quality control. They also protect the lab by coercing the court into thinking that the person who failed is a drug abuser. "Anything you say to an MRO can and will be used against you" (RDW). If you fight it, your lawyer "can subpoena the proficiency testing records of the laboratory for review" (anon1).


These questions should be asked about the lab you are challenging:

  • How does the lab handle samples?
  • Are they NIDA/CAP certified?
  • Do they participate in appropriate proficiency testing?
  • What is their track records in the proficiency testing program?
  • Have they ever failed a proficiency test?
  • What are the qualifications of the technical staff performing the test?
  • What technologies do they use to screen and confirm?


"Conquering the Urine Tests" provides additional legal advice that will help you before taking a test, and if you fail a test.


Laura Gibson, a medical doctor, tested positive for drugs during a pre-employment drug test and was not hired. However, it turned out that the test result was a false positive caused by her consumption of a poppy seed bagel that morning. After much effort, the company eventually decided to hire her anyway and discarded the test results. Nevertheless, it is challenging to win such a case in court.


If you are an adult and face a similar situation, you can contact the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) for help. However, if you are a child, the ACLU may not be able to assist you. In either case, you can reach out to me at [email protected] and share your experience, so I can use it to help others. Many people seek advice before taking a drug test but don't follow up afterward.


There is a way to challenge drug testing. If you serve as a juror in a drug-related case where a drug test is presented as evidence, you have the right to vote not guilty if you disagree with the law or feel that the punishment is too harsh. This is known as jury nullification. The court doesn't inform jurors of this right, but it exists. The Fully Informed Jury Association is an excellent resource for more information.


Many employers no longer disclose drug test results to employees. Instead, they reject applicants who fail the test. Unfortunately, some elderly employees lose their jobs and pension benefits due to failing a drug test.

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