What Do Pre-Employment Drug Tests Look For? A Comprehensive Guide

PUBLISHED: Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Pre-employment drug testing is a common requirement in many industries, designed to screen potential employees for the use of illicit substances. These tests are regulated by the federal government and local state guidelines to observe drug-free workplace policies.

If you’re unsure what do pre-employment drug tests look for, this blog is for you.

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of pre-employment drug testing, including what it looks for, how it is administered, and solutions for passing it.

Table of Contents

  • What Is Pre-Employment Drug Testing For?
    • Workplace Safety
    • Productivity
    • Legal Compliance
    • Healthcare Costs
    • Company Reputation
  • How Does Pre-Employment Drug Testing Work?
  • What Are the Types of Pre-Employment Drug Tests?
  • What Substances Are Detected in Pre-Employment Drug Testing?
    • Marijuana (THC)
    • Cocaine (COC)
    • Opiates (OPI)
    • Amphetamines (AMP)
    • Phencyclidine (PCP)
    • Additional Substances Detected in Drug Screenings
  • What Substances Can Cause a False Positive?
  • How to Pass a Pre-Employment Drug Test
    • Detox Cleansing Kits
    • Detox Drinks
    • Detox Mouthwash
  • Secure That Job With a Negative Test Result

What Is Pre-Employment Drug Testing For?

woman being interviewed for hair testing sample

A pre-employment drug test is done to promote a safe and productive workplace. It’s commonly implemented in sectors where safety is paramount, such as transportation, healthcare, and construction.

Employers require employee drug testing practices for various reasons, primarily to observe a drug-free workplace policy. Federal laws also mandate workplace drug testing for specific jobs, especially those involving public safety or national security.

Here are some critical reasons for conducting these preliminary drug tests:

Workplace Safety

One of the primary reasons employers conduct drug tests is to maintain a safe work environment.

Employees under the influence of drugs can pose a risk to themselves and others. This is especially true for jobs involving machinery, driving, or other potentially hazardous activities.


Substance abuse can lead to decreased productivity among employees.

Employees who use drugs may have higher absenteeism rates, be less focused, and generally perform at a lower level than their peers.

Legal Compliance

Employers in specific industries are legally required to conduct drug testing as a standard operating procedure. Every company will have its drug testing policy, which may or may not follow federal and state laws.

For example, the Department of Transportation (DOT) mandates drug screening for safety-sensitive jobs like truck driving or air traffic control.

Healthcare Costs

Employees with diagnosed substance abuse issues can increase healthcare costs for employers. It’s a factor to consider mainly if the company provides health insurance.

A mandatory drug screening program can help employers manage these costs by identifying potential issues before hiring. This can even extend to random tests for regularized and existing employees.

DID YOU KNOW? Employees who use illicit substances miss two more weeks of work every year than their peers who stay sober.


A company’s reputation can be damaged if employees are found to be using illegal substances, particularly in high-profile incidents.

Pre-employment drug testing performed by a medical review officer can help protect the company’s image. It ensures that new hires are not likely to engage in illegal drug use as long-term employees.

How Does Pre-Employment Drug Testing Work?

A pre-employment drug test is usually conducted by a medical review officer or a trained technician at a designated testing facility.

An applicant provides a sample, which is then sent to a laboratory for analysis. The drug test results are typically reported to the employer within a few days to a week.

As noted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the legality and ethical implications of pre-employment drug testing can vary by country, state, and even city. Some regions have strict regulations governing when and how these drug and alcohol testing procedures can be conducted, as well as how the results can be used.

What Are the Types of Pre-Employment Drug Tests?

Various methods can be used for pre-employment drug screening, each with unique advantages, disadvantages, and detection windows

The choice of method often depends on the employer’s requirements, the substances being tested for, and the resources available.

  • Urine tests: The most common type of procedure due to its affordability and relatively long detection window.
  • Blood tests: These tests provide a more accurate picture of current impairment as they measure the amount of drugs in a person’s system at the time of testing.
  • Hair follicle drug tests: Involves analyzing a small sample of hair to detect drug use over a longer period. Less effective at detecting recent use due to the time it takes for drugs to appear in hair.
  • Saliva drug tests: Also known as oral fluid testing, this method is gaining popularity due to its non-invasive nature and ability to detect recent drug use.
  • Sweat drug tests: This less common method involves wearing a patch for an extended period to collect sweat for analysis.

The table below summarizes the detection window, substances detected, and the usual cost of each test:

Test Type

Detection Window

Substances Detected



1-30 days

Most drugs



Hours to 1 day

Most drugs, alcohol



Up to 90 days

Most drugs



Hours to 2 days

Most drugs



Extended period

Most drugs


It’s important to note that various factors can influence the effectiveness of each test. This includes a person’s metabolism, the frequency and quantity of drug use, and the specific characteristics of the drug itself.

What Substances Are Detected in Pre-Employment Drug Testing?

lab technician testing drug samples

A pre-employment drug test is designed to detect the presence of specific substances in an individual’s system. The substances typically screened in these tests include both illegal drugs and prescription medications.

So, what do pre employment drug test look for?

Marijuana (THC)

This is the most commonly used illicit drug, and it’s also the most commonly tested for substance in pre-employment drug testing.

Cocaine (COC)

Cocaine is a powerful stimulant drug that’s illegal in most states and countries. It’s often included in random drug testing due to its potential for abuse and addiction.

Opiates (OPI)

This includes both illicit substances like heroin and prescription pain medications such as morphine and codeine. Both substances have a high potential for misuse.

Amphetamines (AMP)

This includes both illicit drugs such as methamphetamine and prescription medications used to treat conditions like ADHD. Similar to opiates, these substances have a high potential for misuse.

Phencyclidine (PCP)

Also known as angel dust, PCP is a powerful hallucinogenic drug. Although its use is less prevalent than other drugs, it’s often included in drug screenings due to its potential to cause severe mental health issues.

Additional Substances Detected in Drug Screenings

In addition to substances commonly attributed to drugs, some employers may also test for other substances, such as:

  • Barbiturates: Prescription medications are often used as sedatives.
  • Benzodiazepines: A class of drugs that includes medications like Xanax and Valium.
  • Methadone: A medication used to treat opioid addiction.
  • Propoxyphene: A prescription opioid pain medication.
  • Methaqualone: A sedative that is no longer legally manufactured in the U.S.
  • Alcohol: While not typically included in standard drug screenings, some employers may choose to test for alcohol, particularly for positions where safety and sobriety are a concern.

The specific substances you may be tested for can vary depending on the employer and the specific job role.Although there are no strict federal laws on this rule, some states have laws limiting the substances employers can test for. 

DID YOU KNOW? A job involving heavy machinery may require more extensive drug testing than a desk job. This is why some companies employ periodic drug tests and random drug tests to maintain a safe workplace.

What Substances Can Cause a False Positive?

False positives in drug testing can occur due to the ingestion of certain substances that can interfere with the test results. These substances can be found in everyday products, over-the-counter medications, and prescription drugs.

Some common substances that can cause false positives include:

  • Poppy seeds
  • Some cold and flu medications
  • Antidepressants
  • Pain medication

Laboratories have methods to differentiate between false positives caused by these substances and positives caused by illicit drug use.

If a test comes back positive, a confirmation test is usually performed. This test uses a different method that’s more accurate and differentiates between substances that can cause false positives and actual drug use.

If you’re worried about getting a false positive test result, it’s a good idea to coordinate with the testing facility. You can tell them about any medications or substances you have consumed that could interfere with your test results.

How to Pass a Pre-Employment Drug Test

Taking products that help detox the system can help ensure a negative test result. If you’re anticipating urine tests, hair drug tests, or saliva tests with your job application, Testclear has your back.

If you want to avoid getting a positive drug test, here are some Testclear products you can try:

Detox Cleansing Kits

Detox cleansing kits rid your body of toxins and substances that may result in positive drug test results.

You can choose from 5-day, 7-day, or 10-day detox cleanse kits based on your frequency of drug use. If you’re a light user, a 1-day cleanse should be enough to pass pre-employment testing. 

Detox Drinks

Cleansing drinks like Detoxify’s Mega Clean cleansing drink are ideal if you want to test negative on your upcoming pre-employment drug screening test (E.g. urine testing). Drink Mega Clean to flush any lingering toxins properly just a few hours before your test.

Detox Mouthwash

Toxin Rid Rescue wash mouthwash bottle

If you’ll be undergoing a saliva test, using our Toxin Rid Rescue Mouthwash is a great option. This product removes toxins from the mouth quickly before a test.

It’s simple to use like a conventional mouthwash, so you can bring it before heading to the testing facility or leaving your home.

Secure that Job with a Negative Test Result

Considering what’s at stake if you fail your pre-employment test, ensuring a negative test result is important. This is why knowing what happens during pre-employment drug testing is just the first step.

If the company you want to apply for has a drug testing policy, you must know how to ensure negative drug test results regarding your application. No matter what type of drug test your future employer uses, going on a detox can increase your chances of passing the drug test.

Testclear’s wide range of products can help deliver the outcomes you’re looking for. Clean your system of drugs, toxins, and other foreign elements that might deter your chances of getting hired today.

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